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She's a wonder. Five years from now, if she doesn't marry Sam, she'll be one of those ten-thousand-a-year foreign buyers. Play your samples up to Sammy, but quote your prices down to Sadie. Read the next one, T. A." Buck read on, his tone lifeless: "Miss Sharp. Berg Brothers, Omaha. Strictly business. Known among the trade as the human cactus.

In the face of the girl who works, whether she be a spindle-legged errand-girl or a ten-thousand-a-year foreign buyer, you will find both vivacity and depth of expression. What she loses in softness and bloom she gains in a something that peeps from her eyes, that lurks in the corners of her mouth.

I hunted up Bedient at noon, and we talked about some of these matters. And then we met Ritchold for luncheon. It was at Teuton's. I took Bedient aside and whispered with a flourish, 'One of our ten-thousand-a-year editors, Andrew.... 'What makes him worth that? he asked. 'He knows what the people want, I replied. Can you see us, Beth?... "The luncheon was interesting.

"When I get into the ten-thousand-a-year class I rather think it will afford me a few trifles beyond bare subsistence." She smiled. "Have you set that for a mark to shoot at?" "I haven't set any limit," he replied. "I haven't got my sights adjusted yet." "I can scarcely assure myself that you are really you," she said after a momentary silence.