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So finally she bursts out with: "'Well, my little sister hasn't any teef yet; but when she does have some, they're goin' to be gold ones! Couldn't get ahead of her and nobody can get the best of you, Ruthie Fielding! You've always an answer ready." At Mrs. Sadoc Smith's, Amy Gregg had just as little to do with the three older girls as she possibly could; but she remained friends with Curly.

It appeared from the conversation which follows, that they had from some place of concealment overheard the dialogue we have narrated in the former chapter. "It is good luck, Sadoc," said the lady, "that there is in this world the great fool." "And the great villain," answered Sadoc, in good English, but in a most sullen tone.

"Oh! poison-ash!" she cried. "Good land! Nothin' but poison ivy?" demanded Mrs. Sadoc Smith. "Poison oak, or poison sumac whatever you have a mind to call it. But a bad case of it, I assure you. I'll leave more of the cooling draught; and I'll send up a salve to put on her face and hands. Don't let it get into the poor child's eyes and don't let her tear off the mask which she will have to wear."

A man named Joseph taught that people ought to be holy for the love of goodness, and not for the sake of a reward after death; and his follower, Zadok, or Sadoc, went still farther, saying that there was no promise of any reward.