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Logs and timbers were hauled from the abandoned Maryville, an outpost of Fort McDowell, at the river crossing northeast of Fort Utah. It was erected Mexican fashion, the roof supported on stout poles, and then mudded walls were built up on arrowweed latticing.

Most of these dwelt in tents of skin. There were, also, two or three large trading posts and thirty houses, built of large, hewn timbers mudded smoothly within and without and roofed with shingles. Some of these were neat and pretty; one had window-shutters. It was the center of an extensive fur trade with the Indian tribes of the Missouri river.

Then he came through the snow that was all squelched and mudded just about the forge, and leered at Sir Oliver. "I am from Arwenack," he announced unnecessarily. "We have been talking of you." "You could have had no better subject of discourse," said Sir Oliver, smiling, for all that his eyes were hard and something scared though his fears did not concern himself.

'A hizzing dragonfly that daps Above his mudded pond'. #Hizzing# is an old word now neglected. Shakespeare has 'To have a thousand with red burning spits Come hizzing in upon 'em'. Lear, III. vi. 17. and there are other quotations in O.E.D. 'The glinzy ice grows thicker through'. Author's glossary explains #glinzy# as slippery.

There, working amidst the sallow Yankees, with their wide white trousers and straw hats, and the half-naked Indian, may be seen the native-born Californian, with his dusky visage and lustrous black eye, clad in the universal short tight jacket with its lace adornments, and velvet breeches, with a silk sash fastened round his waist, splashing away with his gay deerskin botas in the mudded water.