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"Come now, Gerald," pleaded Jack, "tell us how we are doing?" "Shure, Oi don't want to discourage ye intirely," replied Gerald, "but ye didn't do any betther than three minutes in the lasht moile." "Three minutes!" shouted Don; "did we do it in that?" "Hurrah!" cried Jack; "we'll be in it yet." "In what?" asked Dick. "In the water," chuckled Jack.

There be noa plaze to put the nag in, and there be only one room and one bed in the cot." "What shall I do?" cried the major, at his wits' end. "I'll tell 'ee, zur," said the rustic, scratching his head violently, as if to extract his ideas by the roots. "There be a voine large house on the road, about a moile vurther on.

"'Tis a good job ye traded. But even at that thirty-foive moile t'rough th' snow widout webs!" The Irishman looked at him in open admiration. "An' on top av that, killin' th' werwolf wid a knoife, an' choppin' her pack loike so much kindlin's! Green, ye may be an' ignorant. But, frind, ye've done a man's job this day, an' Oi'm pr-roud to know yez."

Fallon finished drying his face upon the coarse roller-towel and turned toward the group who waited expectantly. "Yis, Oi hear-rd her, all roight," he replied lightly. "An' thin Oi see'd her." Others crowded about, hanging upon his words. "An' thin, be way av showin' me contimpt," he added, "Oi dhrug her a moile or more t'rough th' woods be th' tail."

In Lydgate's "Story of Thebes," a sort of sequel to the "Canterbury Tales," the pilgrims invite the poet to join the supper-table, where there were these tasty omelettes: moile, made of marrow and grated bread, and haggis, which is supposed to be identical with the Scottish dish so called. Lydgate, who belonged to the monastery of Bury St.