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Not the smallest solid particle is detached and swallowed. That is not the maggot's diet. It wants a broth, a soup, a sort of fluid extract of beef which it prepares itself. As digestion, after all, merely means liquefaction, we may say, without being guilty of paradox, that the grub of the bluebottle digests its food before swallowing it.

In the matter of housewifery little Grace was almost equal to big Grace, her respected mother; in downright honesty and truthfulness she greatly excelled her. The description of Maggot's household, on that evening, would be very incomplete were we to omit mention of Zackey Maggot.

"Thinkin' 'bout it," replied the smith, with a good-humoured smile. "Why, if I didn't knaw that the old wuman's alive," said another, "I'd say he was agoin' to get married again!" "Never fear," exclaimed a third, "Maggot's far too 'cute a cunger to be caught twice." "I say, my dear man," asked another, "have 'ee bin takin' a waalk 'pon the clifts lately?"

That is enough for the maggot's first establishment. These causes of failure are avoided with a layer of sand about an inch thick. Then the bluebottle, the flesh fly and other flies whose grubs batten on dead bodies are kept at a proper distance. In the hope of awakening us to a proper sense of our insignificance, pulpit orators sometimes make an unfair use of the grave and its worms.

No matter: the fall is not serious for the lithe backs of the young grubs; and, in a few days, the test-tube is filled with larvae, in which it is easy to recognize the Flesh-fly's family by the fringed coronet that opens and shuts at the maggot's stern like the petals of a little flower.

Here the water, which in other parts of the adit flowed along the bottom, ran down the walls and spirted in fine streams from the almost invisible crevices of the rock, thus betraying at once the proximity and the power of the pent-up water. "What think'ee now, my son?" asked an elderly man who stood at Maggot's elbow.