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Updated: August 20, 2024

I like your men of general intelligence well enough, your Linnwuses and your Buffons and your Cuviers; but Cuvier had to go to Latreille for his insects, and if Latreille had been able to consult me, yes, me, gentlemen! he would n't have made the blunders he did about some of the coleoptera.

I like your men of general intelligence well enough, your Linnwuses and your Buffons and your Cuviers; but Cuvier had to go to Latreille for his insects, and if Latreille had been able to consult me, yes, me, gentlemen! he would n't have made the blunders he did about some of the coleoptera.

'Hadn't they an especial regard for some sort of a wasn't it some sort of a beetle? 'You mean Scarabaeus sacer, according to Latreille, Scarabaeus Egyptiorum? Undoubtedly, the scarab was venerated throughout Egypt, indeed, speaking generally, most things that had life, for instance, cats; as you know, Orisis continued among men in the figure of Apis, the bull.

I mean by shape not the structural details which the classifier examines through his magnifying-glass, not the delicate features which a Latreille would quote when drawing up a technical description, but the general picture, the general outline that impresses itself upon the vision even of an untrained eye and makes the man who knows nothing of science and above all the child, a most perspicacious observer, connect certain animals together.

Geoffroy, because of the two large eyes, and without paying attention to the ocelli, named this larva the "feather-tailed binocle." Since then, this larva has been found in the Seine at Point-du-Jour, Bas-Meudon, and between Epone and Mantes. Latreille, in 1832, decided it to be a crustacean, and named it Prosopistoma foliaceum. In September, 1868, the animal was found at Toulouse by Dr.

After Réaumur, according to the dictum of the great Latreille, entomology was confined to a wearisome and interminable nomenclature, and if we except the Hubers, two unparalleled observers, although limited and circumscribed, the only writer who filled the interregnum between Réaumur and Fabre was Léon Dufour.

A disciple of Latreille, he shone above all as an impassioned descriptive writer. No one was more skilled in determining a species, in dissecting the head of a fly or the entrails of a grub, and no spectacle in the world was for him so fascinating as the triple life of the insect; those magical metamorphoses, which he justly considered as one of the most astonishing phenomena in creation.

Hippa adactyla F. is very frequent here, and keeps itself concealed under the sands on the sea-shore. It was from these that Fabricius, who has given a wrong description of their legs, formed his species Hippa; Latreille mentions them by the name of Remipes testudinarius. Six kinds of Pagurus.

According to Latreille, the pediculus found in the woolly heads of African negroes 'is sufficiently distinct from that of the Circassian to entitle it to the rank of a distinct species; from which, and similar instances, the doctor concludes: 'Whatever may be urged in behalf of the hypothesis of the unity of the animal creation, based upon the alleged metamorphosic changes of types, it is my opinion that the relations of their parasites, and especially the lice which are distributed over nearly all of them, must be considered as fair and full an argument as can be advanced against such hypothesis, for it is taking up the very premises of the hypothesis in opposition. Dr Burnett will perhaps find Sir Charles Lyell ready to break a lance with him on the point at issue.

It is in this way that Cuvier has distinguished the large number of Genera he has characterized in his great Natural History of the Fishes, in connection with Valenciennes. Latreille has done the same for the Crustacea and Insects; and Milne Edwards, with the coöperation of Haime, has recently proceeded upon the same principle in characterizing a great number of Genera among the Corals.

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