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In the afternoon I arrived at Maraboo, a large town, and like Koolikorro, famous for its trade in salt. I was conducted to the house of a Kaartan, of the tribe of Jower, by whom I was well received.

The Author continues his route through several villages along the banks of the Niger, until he comes to Koolikorro. Supports himself by writing saphies reaches Maraboo loses the road; and, after many difficulties, arrives at Bammakoo. Takes the road for Sibidooloo meets with great kindness at a village called Kooma; is afterwards robbed, stripped, and plundered by banditti.

Sun. 80 45 0 0 16 0 81 1 0 ZD. 8 59 0 N D. 3 53 0 Koolikorro Latitude 12 52 0 N The horizon was an oblique view across the river. Distance of the land seven miles; height of the eye sixteen inches above the surface of the water.

After passing Koolikorro and Yamina, Park arrived at Samee, where he met with Isaaco, who told him that Mansong seemed favourably disposed towards the expedition, but that, whenever he attempted to enter into particulars, the king began to construct squares and triangles with his fingers upon the sand, and during the whole time that he spoke, seemed unwilling to withdraw his mind from these fits of geometrical study, and showed no anxiety to have a personal interview with the travellers.

When I had finished my supper of rice and salt, I laid myself down upon a bullock's hide, and slept very quietly until morning, this being the first good meal and refreshing sleep that I had enjoyed for a long time. August 21. At daybreak I departed from Koolikorro, and about noon passed the villages of Kayoo and Toolumbo.

Departure from Koolihori Ganifarra Scarcity of provisions Distressing situation of the Author from deaths and sickness of the party Escapes from three lions Intricate route to Koomikoomi Dombila Visit from Karfa Taura View of the Niger Reduced state of the party Bambakoo Losses from wolves Bosradoo; embark on the Niger; incidents in the voyage to Marraboo Isaaco sent to Sego with presents for Mansong Message from Mansong Course to Koolikorro Deena Yamina Samee Return of Isaaco; account of his interview with Mansong Messengers sent by Mansong, and enquiries respecting the Author's journey Quit Samee Excessive heat Reach Sansanding Account of that city and its trade Death of Mr.

The negro carried the body by a leg and an arm, and threw it into the pit with a savage indifference which I had never before seen. Departing from this shocking scene, I travelled by the side of the river until sunset, when I came to Koolikorro, a considerable town, and a great market for salt.

When I had finished my supper of rice and salt I laid myself down upon a bullock's hide, and slept very quietly until morning; this being the first good meal and refreshing sleep that I had enjoyed for a long time. Aug. 21st. At daybreak I departed from Koolikorro, and about noon passed the villages of Kayoo and Toolumbo.

The Negro carried the body by a leg and an arm, and threw it into the pit with a savage indifference, which I had never before seen. Departing from this shocking scene, I travelled by the side of the river until sunset, when I came to Koolikorro; a considerable town, and a great market for salt.

In the afternoon I arrived at Marraboo, a large town, and, like Koolikorro, famous for its trade in salt. I was conducted to the house of a Kaartan, of the tribe of Jower, by whom I was well received.