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They were not sorry to have the opportunity at last, for they had suffered not a little at the hands of Kilbogie in past years, and the coming event disturbed the flow of business at Muirtown market. "Ye're tae hae the Doctor at laist," Mains said to Netherton letting the luck-penny on a transaction in seed-corn stand over "an' a'm jidgin' the time's no been lost.

They were not sorry to have the opportunity at last, for they had suffered not a little at the hands of Kilbogie in past years, and the coming event disturbed the flow of business at Muirtown market. "Ye 're tae hae the Doctor at laist," Mains said to Netherton letting the luck-penny on a transaction in seed-corn stand over "an' a 'm jidgin' the time 's no been lost.

"Come oot o' that," after a moment, during which Peter had simply looked; then the hat and the tweeds came stumbling into the first, making some sort of a bow and muttering an apology. "A'll tak' yir ticket, Maister Carmichael," with severity. "General," suddenly relaxing, "this is the Free Kirk minister of yir pairish, an' a 'm jidgin' he 'll no try the second again."

"There 's juist ae room feenished, an' ye micht like tae see the paper on 't; it's a yellow rose on a licht blue grund; a 'm jidgin' it wes the Doctor's ain room. Weel, it's a gude lang wy tae Drumtochty, an' ye 'll no be wantin' tae pit aff time, a' daresay." It was a terrible douche of prose, and Carmichael was still shivering when he reached the kindly shade of Tochty woods.