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In Europe, the wagtails not only chase the birds of prey which might be dangerous to them, but they chase also the fishing-hawk "rather for fun than for doing it any harm;" while in India, according to Dr. Jerdon's testimony, the jackdaws chase the gowinda-kite "for simple matter of amusement."

R. Carr in 'Land and Water, Aug. 8th, 1868, p. 46. In regard to Lobivanellus, see Jerdon's 'Birds of India, vol. iii. p. 647, and Gould's 'Handbook of Birds of Australia, vol. ii. p. 220. For the Hoplopterus, see Mr. The presence of the female is the teterrima belli causa. Mr. Richardson on Tetrao umbellus, 'Fauna Bor. Amer.: Birds, 1831, p. 343.

Jerdon's work, we find that the three groups of the parrots, kingfishers, and pigeons, form nearly one-third of the whole land-birds in the former, while they amount to only one-twentieth in the latter country.

In Jerdon's "Mammals of India" it is stated that in Nepaul the wild dogs, whose urine is said to be peculiarly acrid, sprinkle it over bushes through which an animal will probably move with the view of blinding their victim. Jerdon certainly disbelieves the native story of their capturing their prey through the acridity of their urine.

On Chrysococcyx and Chalcophaps, Blyth, as quoted in Jerdon's 'Birds of India, vol. iii. p. 485. Finally, as Mr.

In what follows I shall speak of Hodgson's grey-headed flycatcher-warbler as our hero, because I shrink from constant repetition of his double double-barrelled name. I should prefer to give him Jerdon's name, the white-browed warbler, but for the fact that there are a score or more other warblers with white eyebrows.

And it is the more important to attend to this matter at once, because I find, from Jerdon's "Mammals of India," that the bitch has at least six whelps at a birth, and he mentions that Mr. No one has any interest in killing these jungle dogs, and until a reward is offered for their destruction, they will go on increasing at an alarming rate.