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"Well, if you will howl, Mr Billy," cried out Harness, "at all events don't give us that abominable Nigger General; it always gives me the toothache." "Now I tink dat very fine song; so you may have whole jaw-ache for all I care. I sing dat, Mr Dick; you jealous of dat song, I know." Opposition Billy flourished a little, and then commenced

Being brought up with such a short turn maddened the fellow, and perhaps he began to realise what was giving him such a jaw-ache. At any rate, just then he showed his speed to the whole length of the line, rushing off like a locomotive, and cutting his enemies fingers to the bones. They held on, however, and were able to bring him to as his charge slackened.

Casting about for some way of escape without sacrificing his good-will, and having in mind a box of pills I have brought along, I give him to understand that I am at the top of the medical profession as a stomach-ache hakim, but as for the jaw-ache I am, unfortunately, even worse than his compatriot over the way.

"Rheumatic pains, I think, sir," was the answer. "Last night I 'ad an orful night. Couldn't sleep. I think it was the wet as done it. Lyin' out on the grass last field day " "How many times have you been here before?" "Well, sir, the last time was when " "How many times?" "I don't know, sir." "Was it rheumatic pains last time?" "No sir, it was jaw-ache toothache, I mean."