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Updated: August 24, 2024

But when I indeavour'd to produce a Light by rubbing it upon the lately mentioned Cover of the Box, the Stone and it being both held beneath the Surface of the Water, I did not well satisfie my self in the Event of the Trial; But this I found, if I took the Stone out, and Rubb'd it upon a piece of Cloath, it would not as else it was wont to do, presently acquire a Luminousness, but needed to be rubb'd manifestly much longer before the desired Effect was found.

The which Covenant of Grace was, that to as many as believe in his Son, taking him for their King, and submitting to his Law, God would grant remission of their Sins; and that this their Faith should be imputed to them for Righteousness; that is, accepted of by him, in lieu of perfect Obedience, in all such who sincerely indeavour'd to live up to the Precepts of Christ, their Lord.

This arguing yet is no more irrational than that whereby a palpable Truth is deny'd, only because some have indeavour'd to draw, or have been thought to have drawn ill consequences from it: Which is yet all the ground of not allowing that Pleasure, and Pain, are truly Good, and Evil; the denying of which, can be of no Service to Morality, but the contrary, since Moral Good, and Evil, consider'd antecedently to any positive Law of our Maker, are apt to be thought but a Notion where that inseparable Relation is overlook'd which there is between actions denominated by us vertuous, or vicious, and the Natural Good, and Evil of Mankind.

And afterward holding it near a Fire that had but little Flame, I found the Stone to be rather less than more excited, than it had been by the Candle. Tenthly, I likewise indeavour'd to make it Shine, by holding it a pretty while in a very Dark place, over a thick piece of Iron, that was well Heated, but not to that Degree as to be Visibly so.

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