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"Perhaps she's ashamed of the way she behaved that day she had the row with Lena," said Fred, who had heard the account of Gracie's ill-behavior, not from Maggie and Bessie, but from some of "the other fellows" whose sisters were members of the "Cheeryble Sisters." Bessie shook her sunny head. "No, I don't think so," she answered.

"Not for her ill-behavior, but because she's afraid of missing the drawing-room to-night," cried Barbara. "Do, pray, restore her to favor," pleaded madame. "I shall see. Just look, Madame Vine! I broke this, a minute or two ago. Is it not a pity?" Barbara held in her hand a beautiful toilette ornament, set in pure gold. One of the petals had come off. Madame Vine examined it.

Marking the noisy indocility of the blacks in general, as well as what seemed the sullen inefficiency of the whites it was not without humane satisfaction that Captain Delano witnessed the steady good conduct of Babo. But the good conduct of Babo, hardly more than the ill-behavior of others, seemed to withdraw the half-lunatic Don Benito from his cloudy languor.

"There is a certain class of boisterous holiday-maker who might annoy you not by downright ill-behavior, but by exercising a crude humor which is deemed peculiarly suitable to the seaside, though it would be none the less distressing to you." "In the States that sort of man gets shot," she said, and her cheeks glowed with a rush of color.

"Surely you cannot deny that it has been a very great kindness in him to take you into his own family giving you the best of homes and instruct you himself, for no reward but the pleasure of doing you good and seeing your improvement: that, too, in spite of having to bear with much ill-behavior from you."

By the return of the post, his Majesty condescended to answer her Letter; and the actions were returned authenticated; which so restored her credit, that in a few hours all difficulties were removed relating to the transaction she had in hand; and it is more than probable the Director has felt his Majesty's resentment for his ill-behavior. The Lady's Letter was as follows: