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The money-draft was addressed to my administrators, Counsellors Kempf and Huttner. But no one, alas! in Vienna, wished my return; they had already begun to share my property, of which they never rendered me an account.

Berger; he agreed we should halve the sum, and his contrivance was, I should make oath I had lent you a thousand florins, without having received your note. The money was paid me by M. Frauenberger, to whom I agreed to send a present of Tokay, for Madam Huttner." This was the manner in which my curators took care of my property!

I was brought back like a criminal, was sent as a prisoner to the barracks, there kept in the chamber of Lieutenant Blonket, with orders that I should be suffered to write to no one, speak to no one, without a ticket from the counsellors Kempt or Huttner. Thus I remained six weeks; at length, the colonel of the regiment of Poniatowsky, the present field-marshal, Count Alton, spoke to me.

Many instances I could produce, but I am too much agitated by the recollection. I must speak a word concerning who and what my curators were. The Court Counsellor, Kempf, was my administrator, and Counsellor Huttner my referendary.

I furnished him with a letter, addressed to Counsellors Kempf and Huttner, including a draft for two thousand ducats; wherein I said that, by these means, I should not only soon be at liberty, but in possession of the fortress of Magdeburg; and that the bearer was entrusted with the rest. The lieutenant came safe to Vienna, underwent a thousand interrogatories, and his name was repeatedly asked.