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The semi-tumultuous character of the crowd is shown by calling them 'a multitude, and by the medley of weapons which they carried. Half-ignorant hatred, which had had ample opportunities of becoming knowledge and love, offended formalism, blind obedience to ecclesiastical superiors, the dislike of goodness these impelled the rabble who burst into the garden of Gethsemane.

True, too often, like poor Keats's merchant brothers, 'Half-ignorant, he turned an easy wheel, Which set sharp racks at work to pinch and peel. But of the harm which he did he was unconscious; in the good which he did he was consistent and indefatigable; infinitely superior, with all his defects, to the ignorant, extravagant do-nothing Squire Lavingtons around him.

"And you have a smattering; therefore are ready to pit yourself against the organized plantation system without capital or experience. Robert, you may succeed; you may find your landlord honest and the way clear; but my advice to you is finish your education, develop your talents, and then come to your life work a full-fledged man and not a half-ignorant boy."

The moment that the peasant forsakes his life of toil pure and simple for the leisured existence of the landowning classes, he becomes intolerable. There is a certain kind of character, partly virtuous, partly vicious, half-educated, half-ignorant, which will always be the despair of governments. You will see an example of it in Taboureau.

There is one thing, however, to be said in favour of the gentleman namely, his education, which fits him for offices and professions which must remain for ever out of the reach of the half-ignorant.

There was a touch, too, of inexpressible sadness in his half-ignorant mention of the exiles at Cayenne, who were forbidden the wide ocean of escape about them by those swift gunboats keeping their coasts and swooping down upon every craft that left the shore.

It was bad enough for those poor people, but they had borne their sorrows and died, and were at peace. Surely it was better that we should have songs about ourselves drinking or fighting, if you like to keep up the spirits, to lighten the serious cares of life, and drown for a while the responsibility of looking after a whole population of poor, half-ignorant, unphilosophical creatures.