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"Mishtel Webstel, he say, 'China boy makee me belly much foolee. China boy makee me heap sick." Which I have reason to think was true. But I fear I am giving but one side, and not the best, of Wan Lee's character. As he imparted it to me, his had been a hard life. He had known scarcely any childhood: he had no recollection of a father or mother. The conjurer Wang had brought him up.

Polly, who had closely followed the story, albeit with the embellishments of her own imagination, made her eyes rounder than ever. A bland smile broke on Wan Lee's face, as to the children's amazement, he quietly disengaged himself from the group and stepped before the leader. "Melican man plenty foolee Melican chillern. No foolee China boy! China boy knowee you. YOU no Led Lofer.

It was just after the exciting capture of a merchantman with the indiscriminate slaughter of all on board a spectacle on which the round blue eyes of the plump Polly had gazed with royal and maternal tolerance, and they were burying the booty two table spoons and a thimble in the corner of the closet, when Wan Lee stolidly rose. "Melican boy pleenty foolee!

"No good," said Ah Fe stolidly. "Hop Li, he givee this" he indicated the envelope in his sleeve "to next Chinaman. HE no go. S'pose you go with me, Hop Li you no makee nothing allee same, makee foolee!" "I know; but you just take me there. The young girl was irresistible. Ah Fe's face relaxed. "Allee litee!" he said, with a resigned smile. "You wait here a moment," said Cissy, brightening.

"S'pose you lie allee same as Johnson," suggested Li with equal cheerfulness. "He foolee you with lotten stuff you foolee Mellikan man, allee same." "Take this to Mrs. Martin," he said, handing it to the boy; "and mind you keep clear of the schoolhouse.

Allee time foolee me," he grinned facetiously. "You no see me the'? Me playum, too. Win ten dolla', you bet!" "Well, all right, Woo," said Rimrock. "Just give me something to eat we won't quarrel about who won." He leaned back in his chair and Woo Chong said no more till he appeared again with a T-bone steak. "You ketchum mine, pletty soon?" he questioned anxiously.