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Jason never fixed that pump, did he?" "Just try it, Aunty!" cried the delighted Janice. "See how easy it works! And the more it's pumped the better the water will be. It's not quite clear yet, you know. Moss will grow in the pipe." "Janice, you're a wonder! You kin do more with your uncle than his own fam'bly can, an' that's a fact!"

Laura went on steadily, and without smiling too broadly at Liz: "There are seven of us girls and Mrs. Morse. We shall live very simply in tents and in a cabin, on Acorn Island." "Eight in fam'bly, eh?" put in the thin girl. "Eight is a bigger contract than I got here." "Oh! in camping out we don't expect anything fancy," Laura hastened to say.

Most fellows meeting that sort o' way," continued Captain Tugg, puffing reflectively, "would git chummy. The Professor's never told me a thing about himself. As fur as I know he was born full growed, right there on the rocks where my shanty's built, and ain't got kith nor kin fam'bly or enemy just as lonely as Adam was in Eden before the trouble began!

"Ol' man Bennett," began Jerry Todd, "warn't a native of this neck o' woods. He come up from Jarsey, or some such place, and bringed his fam'bly with him, and Sally Bennett. She was his sister, and as he was a pretty upstandin' man, so was she a tall, well-built gal. She sartain made a hit up here around Scarboro and along Rollin' River.