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So the gay season advanced apace, and it was soon one round of trying on gowns and fussing with sample hair dressing in all the "dorms" of Wellington. For the one big function known simply as The Dance all students were eligible, and it was just in advance of this that Shirley "broke loose." She openly and unqualifiedly "cut loose" from Dol Vin's "interference," as she called it.

It was decided that the party should have dinner together in town and that in the afternoon the boys would present themselves for examination at the recruiting station. The remainder of the morning was spent in packing up belongings in 63 and preparing to vacate the "dorms." The boys decided to wait until after they had been accepted before breaking the news to their school chums.

Jane, like Bobbie, did not wish to appear too ingratiating, also she did not want to make the girl feel she was in any way patronizing her. The bulletin boards in all "dorms" bore the notice of special assembly in the study hall, and thither the students were now progressing. "This is where we get all that is coming to us," said Bobbie more literally than elegantly.

"If I do" he said to Wyatt, "there will be the biggest bust of modern times at my place. My pater is away for a holiday in Norway, and I'm alone, bar the servants. And I can square them. Will you come?" "Tea?" "Tea!" said Neville-Smith scornfully. "Well, what then?" "Don't you ever have feeds in the dorms. after lights-out in the houses?" "Used to when I was a kid. Too old now.