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Not long after Dalonágan and his companion went up to the town and the defensive fence, which was made of boa constrictors, did not notice them for the snakes slept. Not long after they arrived at the balaua. "Wes," they said, and the old woman alan came to look at them through the window. "How are you?" she said. "Do not go to the balaua, because Algaba can see you," said the alan.

Aponibolinayen again commanded the liblibayan, alan, and the other spirits to go and get the golden beads. As soon as they secured the beads they put them on the thread which surrounded the town. Not long after they arrived and they strung the beads on the thread. As soon as they finished, Dalonágan hung on the thread to see if it would break.

And Dalonágan went truly, and started, and Aponibalagen gave Dalonágan a belt and earrings, which he was to trade for the mango fruit; and Dalonágan went to get Dina-ogan, and he took an egg. Not long after they went and they held the egg all the time as they walked. When they were in the middle of the way the egg hatched.

"My name is Dapilísan, who is the daughter of Bangan and Dalonágan, who is the wife of your son Kanag, for whom you did not make pakálon. It is bad if you do not like the marriage." "Our daughter, Dapilísan, we like you, for Kanag wanted to marry you," said Aponibolinayen. Not long after the balaua was nearly finished, but the people were still dancing.

So Kanag became a man and put on the clothes and head-band, and he went to speak to the girl. He gave her betel-nut, and they chewed together, and he said: "My name is Kanag and I am the son of Aponitolau and Aponibolinayen." Then the girl said: "My name is Dapilisan and I am the daughter of Bangan and Dalonagan."

The girl whom Aponibolinayen took out of her belt was Daliknáyan, and the girls whom Aponigawani took out of her belt were Indiápan, and Alama-an, and the girl whom Danay of Kabisilan took out of her belt was Asigtanán, and the girl whom Gimbagonan took out of her belt was Dalonagan.

When Aponibolinayen had put the golden beads on the web, Dalonágan said again, "I am going to hang on the thread and if I do not break it the sign is good and Kanag and his wife will not separate." When she hung on the thread and it did not break they allowed Kanag to marry Dapílísan. After that they played on the gansas and they danced.

"Where is the shallow place where we can cross you say, rich men, perhaps you are enemies," said the women who were dipping water. "If we are enemies we would kill you," said Dalonágan. "You see the shallow place where the people cross," said the people who were dipping water from the well. Not long after they spread their belt on the water and they rode across.

As soon as she had commanded they went, and they filled the balaua nine times, and Aponibolinayen said to Dalonágan, "I think now that we have paid the marriage price," and Dolonágan said, "No, there is more still to pay." "All right, if we still owe, tell us and we will pay."

But Dalonagan, the mother of Dapilisan, was not satisfied, and said: "No, there is still more to pay." "Very well," replied Aponibolinayen. "Tell us what it is and we will pay it." Then Dalonagan called a pet spider and said: "You big spider, go all around the town, and as you go spin a thread on which Aponibolinayen must string golden beads."