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"Children, I am addressing myself to you, and especially to Harry here, who is most interested; no, I see nothing to prevent us from having back the property and the curds-and-whey along with it."

"Faith, and the curds-and-whey are the best part of it after all," said Lindsay; "but, in the meantime, you might be a little more particular, and give us a touch of your own eloquence and ability in bringing it about." "What did Alice herself say, mother?" asked Charles; "was she a party to the consent? because, if she was, your triumph, or rather Harry's here, is complete."

With this view he and his conscientious mother closeted themselves in her room, and discussed the state of affairs in the following dialogue: "Mother," said he, "this escape of Miss Curds-and-whey is an untoward business. What, after all, if she should recover?"

She sat and fanned herself with a sheet of newspaper while, time and again, undaunted by refusals, she pressed the good things upon her guests. There were juicy beefsteaks piled high with rings of onion, and a barracoota, and a cold leg of mutton. There were apple-pies and jam-tarts, a dish of curds-and-whey and a jug of custard.

Why do you feel an antipathy against the girl?" "Who can account for antipathies, mother? I cannot account for this." "And perhaps on her part the poor girl is attached to you." "Well, but you have not answered my question. How am I to act? Which step should I take first the quietus, of 'curds-and-whey, or the courtship? The sooner matters come to a conclusion the better.

Indeed, there was an air of melancholy about her which moved me prodigiously, and seeing Pratt flouncing and bustling in such a manner as denoted her curiosity and jealousy, I dismist her to the house. She can't endure a face that eclipses her own curds-and-whey skin, and lookt upon my little thread-satin beauty with a true court malice.