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Pompey had for two years meditated on the course which he was now taking. Atticus had spoken of the intended flight from Italy as base. Cicero answers: "Hoc turpe Cnaeus noster biennio ante cogitavit: ita Sullaturit animus ejus, et diu proscripturit;" "so he apes Sylla and longs for a proscription." To Atticus, ix. 10. To Atticus, viii. 13. Enclosed to Atticus, viii. 15. To Atticus, viii. 16.

All those works might with propriety have been put into the form which he adopted in the work entitled Cogitata et visa: "Franciscus Baconus sic cogitavit." These are thoughts which have occurred to me: weigh them well: and take them or leave them.

Spedding says, "it must certainly be reckoned among the most perfect of Bacon's productions." The personal form with each paragraph begins and ends. "Franciscus Bacon sic cogitavit ... itaque visum est ei" gives to it a special tone of serious conviction, and brings the interest of the subject more keenly to the reader.

In the "Opus Tertium," at the point where he begins to give an abstract of his "Opus Majus," he uses words which remind one of the famous "Franciscus de Verulamio sic cogitavit." He says, "Cogitavi quod intellectus humanus habet magnam debilitationem ex se.... Et ideo volui excludere errorum corde hominis impossible est ipsum videre veritatem."

Bacon has prefaced some of his works with no more than this: Franciscus Bacon sic cogitavit; let "sic cogitavi" be the epilogue to what I have ventured to address to you to-night. The method of scientific investigation is nothing but the expression of the necessary mode of working of the human mind. It is simply the mode at which all phenomena are reasoned about, rendered precise and exact.

Bacon has prefaced some of his works with no more than this: Franciscus Bacon sic cogitavit; let "sic cogitavi" be the epilogue to what I have ventured to address to you to-night.