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"I'm glad to know what is required to make me lovely." "You air alvays 'wonderschön' to me but you look too clevair zometimes in dthe day. In dthis moonlight you look so gentle like a leedle child. Blanca, zay again you loaf me." He holds my hand close and bends down until I feel his hot breath on my cheek. "I can't say again what I never said once." I begin to walk faster.

"I like your customs better in zome dthings, but it makes you vomans too clevair; you know men better dthan ve know you." "You have the same opportunities. It's not our fault if you don't profit by them." "You tell me yourself," he goes on, unheeding, "you haf many gude friends among your fadther's and brodthers' acquaintances; dthat make you care so leedle for men." "Not a bit of it!" I laugh.

I haf travel dthe vorld ofer, many beautiful and clevair vomans haf loaf me. I haf seen nefer a voman like you for not to care.

It occurred to the Mexican that this was a chance to do a stroke of business for his mistress. He would show the confident Americano what place he held in her regard. His shoulders lifted in a shrug. "You are clevair, Señor. How do you know the señorita knows?" "This is her house. She told you to bring me here." Pablo was surprised. "So? You know it is her house?" "Surest thing you know."

"You air not Frainch?" he asks with a scrutinising side glance out of his fine eyes. "I am happy to say that I am an American, and so are my ancestors for three hundred years." "Naixt to dthe Frainch, dthe American ladies air most beautiful, charmante and clevair, but you haf chic, and more dthings; you might be angry I vould say.