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They aimed to unite such a style as Correggio's who belonged to no school with that of the severely mannered artists of the preceding centuries. These artists were called Eclectics, and the Bolognese school of the Carracci was the most important centre of the movement, while Domenichino, a native of Bologna 1581-1631 was the most distinguished painter of the school.

Little as the works of Lanfranco appeal to us, he was a notable artist of the Carracci school; Caterina did him honor as her master, and, in the esteem of her admirers, excelled him as a painter. <b>GIRARDET, BERTHE.</b> Gold medal at the Paris Exposition, 1900; honorable mention, Salon des Artistes Français, 1900; ten silver medals from foreign exhibitions.

He and his two relatives, Hanibal and Augustin Carracci, derived their principles from the Venetian School, from Titian, Paul Veronese, and Tintoret, and from the Lombard School of Correggio and Parmegiano.

Not so with the older heads; even those of the Carracci and the Spanish school have often a wonderful depth of feeling. It is common in such representations to represent the Virgin with a sword in her bosom, and even with seven swords in allusion to the seven sorrows.

There were three Madonnas with dark hair and eyes: one by Murillo, another by Carracci, and another by Guido. It showed that painters were not so utterly hopeless as a class, and given over by common sense to blindness of mind, as I had supposed. H. begins to recant her heresy in regard to Rubens. Here we find his largest pieces.

"The most esteemed work in painting by Augustine Carracci is the Communion of St. Jerom. It possesses grandeur of style, is bold in execution, and the faces are not deficient in the appropriate expression of sensibility towards the object before them.

Barbara and St. Christina. The St. Francis and St. Antony, in the predella, show it to have been painted for a Franciscan church or chapel, probably for the same church at Cestello for which Lorenzo painted the St. Julian and St. Nicholas now in the Louvre. Rogers; v. The "Coronation of the Virgin" by Annibale Carracci is in a spirit altogether different, magnificently studied.