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Of course this boy did not belong to any of the model mammas, for whom we are writing. A large fragment of the Nursery Blarney-Stone has been made over, to have and to hold, to the writers of the Children's Astor-Place Library.

And certain actors and singers, had a good deal to do with the business. All through these years, off and on, I frequented the old Park, the Bowery, Broadway and Chatham-square theatres, and the Italian operas at Chambers-street, Astor-place or the Battery many seasons was on the free list, writing for papers even as quite a youth.

Strange Conduct of Forrest. Unpublished Anecdote of General Scott. Probably there never was a great and bloody riot, moving a mighty city to its profoundest depths, that originated in so absurd, insignificant a cause as the Astor-place riot.

Apparently unconscious of this hostility toward him, Macready came over in the spring of 1849, and at once made an engagement at the Astor-place Opera House, corner of Eighth Street and Lafayette Place. He was to appear as Macbeth; and the play was announced sometime beforehand. Forrest at the same time had an engagement at the Broadway Theatre.

The Announcement of his Appearance at the Astor-place Opera House, and Forrest at the Broadway Theatre the same Night posted Side by Side. Bowery Boys crowd the Opera House. Anxiety of the Managers. Consultations and Dramatic Scenes behind the Curtain. Stamping of the People. Scene on raising the Curtain. Stormy Reception of Macready. Howled down. Mrs.