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Updated: August 18, 2024

Sometimes by a corruption of Seed, Monstrous Shapes are form'd, which by some is ascrib'd to the bad Influence of the Planets, that were predominant at the time of Conception; and sometimes the straightness of the Womb is attended with many Inconveniencies, for Nature not having sufficient room to frame her Work in, the Child is rumpled up, which occasions some to have hump'd Backs, crooked Arms, and Legs, round Shoulders, Wry Necks, and the like.

The Blew and Yellow scarce exhibited any thing but a Darker Yellow, which we ascrib'd to the Coarseness of the Blew Papers, and its Darkness in its Kind. For applying the Blew parts of the Marbl'd Paper with the Yellow Paper after the same manner, they exhibited a good Green. The Purple and Red look'd on together appear'd more Scarlet. The Purple and Yellow made an Orange.

And in the first place I consider, that the Sun and other Powerfully Lucid Bodies, are not only wont to Offend, which we call to Dazle our Eyes, but that if any Colour be to be Ascrib'd to them as they are Lucid, it seems it should be Whiteness: For the Sun at Noon-day, and in Clear weather, and when his Face is less Troubled, and as it were Stained by the Steams of Sublunary Bodies, and when his Beams have much less of the Atmosphere to Traject in their Passage to our Eyes, appears of a Colour more approaching to White, than when nearer the Horizon, the Interposition of certain Sorts of Fumes and Vapours make him oftentimes appear either Red, or at least more Yellow.

Fourteenthly, But to try what it would do rubb'd upon Bodies more hard, and less apt to yield Heat upon a light Affriction, than Cloath, I first rubb'd it upon a white wooden Box, by which it was excited, and afterwards upon a piece of purely Glazed Earth, which seem'd during the Attrition to make it Shine better than any of the other Bodies had done, without excepting the White ones, which I add, lest the Effect should be wholly ascrib'd to the disposition White Bodies are wont to have to Reflect much Light.

When I apply'd my Self to consider, how the cause of Whiteness might be explan'd by Intelligible and Mechanical Principles, I remembred not to have met with any thing among the Antient Corpuscularian Philosophers, touching the Quality we call Whiteness, save that Democritus is by Aristotle said to have ascrib'd the Whiteness of Bodies to their Smoothness, and on the contrary their Blackness to their Asperity.

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