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Vitement, Caroline; sentais parfumerie du turkey, ça me faisait un creusement dans stomach. Et vous allez bien, Monsieur! dit Mme Bonard pour dire quelque chose. M. GEORGEY. Oh! yes! perfectly well! MADAME BONARD. Julien s'est fait beau pour venir chez vous, Monsieur; nous sommes tous bien reconnaissants... M. GEORGEY. Oh! dear! taisez-vous.

L'ANGLAIS, riant et se frottant les mains. Oh! very well, nous bonnes amis alorse. Oh! fripone Alcide, l

Well! well! nous autres trouverez eux bientôt, puisque ils sont asses stioupides pour cry up si fort. Bene! bene! fusillabimus omnes! nous les fusillerons tous s'ils continuent

Well now, plaisanterie

This spirited translation from the German ballad by Goethe has probably never been printed. The handwriting is about 1798, and the translation was well known to some of Sir Walter's early friends. Lent by Messrs. A. & Ch. Black.

In the close grew a thicket of olive, a long-leaved tree full-grown, that flourished and grew goodly as big as a pillar about, So round it I built my bride-room, till I did the work right out with ashlar stone close-fitting; and I roofed it overhead, and thereto joined doors I made me, well fitting in their stead.

Perfectly well! parfaitement bien! dit le commodore anglais. Les drôles ne se doutent pas de ce qui les attend

On public as well as on private grounds, he thanked the noble Duke for that part of his speech. There could be little difference of opinion as to the injustice and the want of generosity, of speaking in harsh and insulting terms respecting the ambassador of a friendly power, resident amongst us.

MERCUTIO. Well said: follow me this jest now, till thou hast worn thy pump; that, when the single sole of it is worn, the jest may remain, after the wearing, solely singular. ROM

I am working at its preparation and write while the model reposes... it is not the preparation, as we say at Julian's, I am only doing studies for it must not be done in an atelier;... well, I was going to tell the great secret... I am glad to hear Miss Webb does good things, she is nice; mes très sincères amitiés to her and Miss B...