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We know as a certainty that a small German force was actually defeated outside Malines, and actually fled into Louvain on the very evening it was burned and devastated. The Germans allege that the townsfolk immediately started «to finish off the survivors», firing from the windows and house-tops.

Et, comme par mégarde, elle approcha sa joue fraîche, si proche du grillage que Cornélius put la toucher de ses lèvres. Rosa poussa un petit cri d'amour et disparut. The health of Cornélius improved rapidly, to the great disappointment of Gryphus, who feared some plot, and had the prisoner and his cell searched. Nothing of importance was found. Rosa came each evening.

He explains that the idea of the work occured to him one October evening when, standing in the Place du Carrousel, he was contemplating the ruins of the Tuileries.

Aussi Rosa avait-elle pris une résolution pendant cette nuit terrible, pendant cette nuit d'insomnie qu'elle avait passée. Cette résolution, c'était de ne plus revenir au guichet. Cornelius anxiously awaited the evening visit. But Rosa did not come that day, nor the next, nor the next. At last Cornelius understood that he had offended the girl, and that she thought he loved only the tulip.

On arriving the third evening she said: Eh bien! elle a levé! Elle a levé! quoi? qui? demanda Cornélius n'osant croire que Rosa abrégeât d'elle-même la durée de son épreuve. La tulipe, dit Rosa. Comment! s'écria Cornélius, vous permettez donc? Eh oui! dit Rosa du ton d'une mère tendre qui permet une joie

Si vous ne me croyez pas, lui dis-je en la quittant, croyez-en au moins votre poëte Tennyson: Never morning wore To evening, but some heart did break. Et ravi d'avoir trouvé

Voici ce que je lis dans le New-York Evening Post,

The guard comes up because there are knives unsheathed and money missing. 4. One evening he strayed into the middle of this crowd. 5. The hero was thinking of the peace of his heart, when suddenly angry voices rose. 6. I am twenty francs short. 7. I ask no better. 8. He was proud to make the acquaintance of the prince whose title had dazzled him. 9. He turned toward Tartarin sneering. 10.