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Et, comme par mégarde, elle approcha sa joue fraîche, si proche du grillage que Cornélius put la toucher de ses lèvres. Rosa poussa un petit cri d'amour et disparut. The health of Cornélius improved rapidly, to the great disappointment of Gryphus, who feared some plot, and had the prisoner and his cell searched. Nothing of importance was found. Rosa came each evening.

* [p.106] Sema ici d'Amors la graine 1649 Qui toute a çainte la fontaine; Et fist ses las environ tendre, Et ses engins i mist por prendre Damoiseles et Damoisiaus, Qu'Amors ne velt autres oisiaus. Por la graine qui fu semée, Fu cele fontaine clamée La Fontaine d'Amors par droit, Dont plusors ont en maint endroit Parlé, en romans et en livre; Mais jamès n'orrez miex descrivre La verité de la matere, Cum ge la vous vodré retrere. Adès me plot

Outside the main current of the plot Daudet sketches one of the little dramas of humble life of which he was so fond: the story of Delobelle, an impoverished actor who lives for his art while his devoted wife and daughter Désirée patiently ply the needle to earn bread. Daudet up to this time had been recognized as the greatest of French short-story writers.

The purely romantic element of the work is found in the story of Paul de Géry and the Joyeuse family, a secondary plot having no vital connection with the main story. In "Les Rois en exil" Daudet explores a new vein in contemporary society.