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Yo hab... b... blaré dijo entonces uno de los consejeros supremos que era tartamudo, yo hablaré, que he s... s... s... ido pro... pr... pr... pro... curador. Mejor será que no hable nadie dijo entonces el notario al oído del presidente, si ha de hablar el señor... Di... di... dice bien el señor not... notario dijo entonces el consejero sentándose, p... p... por... porque no acabaríamos nunca...

Yet neither does his gallantry nor his devotion seem to have ever halted his pen for a moment in the years that succeeded his ordination. His dramatic composition of this period is quite abundant and other literary forms are not neglected. Two interesting incidents in the poet's life are never omitted by his biographers.

His works are pervaded by a genial, kindly humor; but his language is not seldom dull and insipid. His prose writings have a light and graceful humor that is peculiarly Andalusian. Of these the first is now usually classed as a writer of psychological novels and plays, and the others as naturalistic novelists.

Or if they have read a few of the best Spanish novels in French or English versions, they may not have found them very interesting. This is explained, I take it, by the fact that Spanish literature is essentially national, and if you do not know the Spanish people you can not fully understand their literature. This is largely true of all literatures, but it is especially true of the Spanish.

It is not yet near day; It is the nightingale and not the lark, That pierc'd the fearful hollow of thine ear; Nightly she sings on yon pomegranate tree; Believe me, love, it was the nightingale. It was the lark, the herald of the morn, No nightingale.

The immortal Cervantes wrote many plays in this period and claimed to favor the classic drama, but his dramatic works are not of sufficient importance to win for him a place in either party.

El prólogo y las notas que le acompañan, demuestran que carecía en absoluto de capacidad suficiente para comprender en su conjunto una obra artística y poética; califica la tragedia inglesa de producción literaria tan extraordinaria como monstruosa, cuya acción pierde en interés por los sucesos de la fábula, fuera de su lugar, y por los episodios inútiles que la afean, añadiendo que con frecuencia pasa de lo trágico más sublime á bufonerías dirigidas á excitar la risa del público, y compara la expresión not a mouse stirring con las de la Ifigenia francesa

He did not make the Spanish drama so much as he permitted it to be made in and through him, and by so doing he reconciled all classes to himself; he was as popular with the erudite as he was with the masses, for his plays have a variety, facility, and poetic beauty that won the favor of all.

He did not devote by any means all his time to his literary pursuits, but found time to attend faithfully to his religious duties and to the cares of his home, for he had gathered about him his children, Feliciana, Lope Félix and Antonia Clara, of whom the last two and Marcela, in a convent since 1621, were the gifted fruit of illicit loves.

On the Spanish stage, woman had always had a secondary rôle, not only because she was not fully appreciated, but also because the rôle was usually taken by boys, for women were long prohibited from the stage. "Lope, the expert in gallantry, in manners, in observation, placed her in her true setting, as an ideal, as the mainspring of dramatic motive and of chivalrous conduct."