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"To me it seems the one bright spot in the whole world, and as if no other place were of any consequence. I'm sure if I ever leave here, I will be pining for the old home, the lovely moor, and the sea and the cliffs. Oh! I can never, never be happy anywhere else!" "Twt, twt," said Will, "thou art talking nonsense.

When will they come, I wonder? Perhaps we have not quite lost Will after all." "Twt, twt, no," said Morva; "didn't mother always say that they would come back to you?" "Yes, indeed do you think she meant Gethin too?" "I think she meant him too," said Morva, blushing. "When will the gorse and the heather be in full bloom, I wonder? Caton pawb! I have never noticed it much," asked the old man.

Dye always averred "that the work never went so well as when the young master helped at it." "Twt, twt, he is like the rest of the world these days," said Ebben, "works when he likes, and is idle when he likes. When I was young " etc. etc. When the haymaking began he was everywhere in request, and entered with much energy into the work of the harvest.

"I am determined to go to Llaniago, and if you can't pay I must get the money somewhere else, that's all," and he had risen from the table with that wilful, dogged curve on his mouth which his father knew so well, and had always been so weakly unable to resist. "Twt, twt, my boy," he said, "that will be all right; don't you vex about that."

No; if I had, I wouldn't have had words with so many people in the village. Oh! my boy, bâch! didn't I always say he was a gentleman!" And her varied emotions culminated in a rain of tears. "Twt, twt!" said the Vicar, clearing his throat, "no nonsense, Betto; bring me the potatoes." And that meal was finished with more cheerfulness than had lightened up that dark old room for many a long year.