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Don't make no mistake, or the next census'll be shy, shore. "'What be you-alls aimin' to cel'brate anyhow? says Jack Moore, gettin' the squar'-built gent's gun while Boggs corrals Gentry's. Who's Wolfville entertainin' yere, I'd like for to know?

Am I right, Enright? "'Right as preachin', Jack, says Enright. 'You speaks trooth like a runnin' brook. "'But whoever sticks that notice? that's the information I pants for, says Boggs, pickin' up an' readin' of the piece. "'I reckons I posts that notice some myse'f, says a big, squar'-built gent we- alls don't know, an' who comes in the other mornin' with Old Monte on the stage.

"'Which I don't aim to do it no more, says the squar'-built gent, 'but I still clings to my idee that notices ain't no set-back to this camp. "'The same bein' a mere theery, says Doc Peets, 'personal to yourse'f, I holds it would be onp'lite to discuss it; so let's all wheel onder cover for a drink.

"'I'm a Wells-Fargo detective, says the squar'-built gent, 'an' this yere, p'intin' to Old Gentry, 'is Jim Yates, the biggest hold- up an' stage-robber between hell an' 'Frisco. That old tarrapin'll stop a stage like a young-one would a clock, merely to see what's into it. He's the party I'm pastin' up the notice for this mornin."

It's jest then in comes the squar'-built gent, who's been postin' of the notice former, an' p'ints a six-shooter at Gentry an' says "'Put your hands up! put 'em up quick or I'll drill you! Old as you be, I don't take no chances. "'At the first word Nell comes off her stool like a small landslide, while Cherokee brings a gun into play on the instant.