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Say," he finished, thoughtfully eyeing the white-faced, newly christened Garrison, "what have you ever done to be loved like that? They were crazy for you. Not a word was said about your imposition. Not a word. It was all: 'When will he be back? 'Where is he? 'Telegraph! All one great slambang of joy. And me? Well, I could have had that town for my own. And your aunt?

"Them air Restercrats kin go wher' they dang please; I'm a-gwine to stay right slambang in the United States." There was a little pause, as if the man on horseback was considering the matter. Then the response came "Here's at you!" "Can't you 'light?" asked Poteet. "Not now," said the other; "I'll git on furder." The man on horseback rode on across the mountain to his home.

If it hadn't been that whin I was a boy I won th' hundred yards at th' University iv Slambang in two hours an' forty minyits, an' if it hadn't happened that I was lightly dhressed in a summer overskirt an' a thin blouse, an' if th' German hadn't stopped to steal me garters, I wudden't be here at this moment, says he. 'Was that war or wasn't it? he says.

They'd stand right up on their hind legs and paw the atmosphere if anybody were to tell them what they really are, but it's a fact. Same joyous slambang, same line of sharps hanging on the outskirts, same row, racket, and joy in life, same struggle; yes, and by golly! the same big hopes and big enterprises and big optimism and big energies! Wouldn't you like to be helping them do it?"