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Updated: July 31, 2024

For as moche as understandyng is the most excellent gyfte that man can receiue in his creation, it is therfore congruent, and accordynge that as one excelleth an other in that influence, as therby beinge next to the similitude of his maker, so shulde the astate of his persone be auanced in degree or place where understandynge may profite.

External change change of environment is already provided for when he says, "shulde this Ston stalen bee"; "chaunges," therefore, in his mind, meant internal changes. But is such a thing possible for any precious stone, and for this one in particular? As to that, we might answer when we know the name of this one. It nowhere appears in the manuscript, and yet it is immediately discoverable.

For if men shulde trouthe seche, And found it nought within a king, It were an unfittende thing The worde is token of that within; There shall a worthy king begin To kepe his tunge and to be trewe, So shall his price ben ever newe. 'And here, sir, is what he saith as to the significance of the kingly crown, if your majesty will allow me to read it.

For if men shulde trouthe seche, And found it nought within a king, It were an unfittende thing The worde is token of that within; There shall a worthy king begin To kepe his tunge and to be trewe, So shall his price ben ever newe. 'And here, sir, is what he saith as to the significance of the kingly crown, if your majesty will allow me to read it.

"Then sayd Virgilius, 'Shulde ye well passe in to the hole that ye cam out of? 'Yea, I shall well, sayd the devyl. 'I holde the best plegge that I have, that ye shall not do it. 'Well, sayd the devyll, 'thereto I consent. And then the devyll wrange himselfe into the lytyll hole ageyne, and he was therein. Ibid. Canst thou balance our city upon an egg?

The petitioner goes on to tell how they steal wives and all their goods with them, and if any man protest they make him a heretic, "so that it maketh him wisshe that he had not done it". Also they take fortunes for masses and then don't say them. "If the Abbot of westminster shulde sing every day as many masses for his founders as he is bounde to do by his foundacion, 1000 monkes were too few."

The Turke nowe, in your tyme, shulde never be abill to get so moche grounde of christendome . . . And whate do al these gredy sort of sturdy, idell, holy theves? These be they that have made an hundredth thousand idell hores in your realme. These be they that catche the pokkes of one woman, and here them to an other.

On it was inscribed in old English characters of unknown date the words: 'Shulde this Ston stalen bee, Or shuld it chaunges dre, The Houss of Sawl and hys Hed anoon shal de.

Most of the charges on Richard are so idle, that instead of being an able and artful usurper, as his antagonists allow, he must have been a weaker hypocrite than ever attempted to wrest a sceptre out of the hands of a legal possessor. Here follows the letter: Harl. MSS, No. 2378. By the KING. "Right reverend fadre in God, &c. We for many causes wold be sory that hee soo shulde be disposed.

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