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They left thee this kilta as the promise was. I do not love Sahibs, but thou wilt make us a charm in return for it. We do not wish little Shamlegh to get a bad name on account of the accident. I am the Woman of Shamlegh. She looked him over with bold, bright eyes, unlike the usual furtive glance of hillwomen. 'Assuredly. But it must be done in secret.

Thirty miles away, as the eagle flies, lay the next range, seamed and channelled and pitted with little patches of brush forests, each a day's dark march. Behind the village, Shamlegh hill itself cut off all view to southward. It was like sitting in a swallow's nest under the eaves of the roof of the world.

I am the Woman of Shamlegh. She hailed hoarsely, and there came out of a cow-pen her two husbands and three others with a dooli, the rude native litter of the Hills, that they use for carrying the sick and for visits of state. 'These cattle' she did not condescend to look at them 'are thine for so long as thou shalt need. 'But we will not go Simla-way.

Behold him, too fine-drawn to sweat, too pressed to vaunt the drugs in his little brass-bound box, ascending Shamlegh slope, a just man made perfect. Watch him, all Babudom laid aside, smoking at noon on a cot, while a woman with turquoise-studded headgear points south-easterly across the bare grass. Litters, she says, do not travel as fast as single men, but his birds should now be in the Plains.

Highly gratified about correspondence due to my forethought. 'He says, Holy One, that he will escape from the idolaters, and will return to us. Shall we wait awhile at Shamlegh, then? The lama looked long and lovingly upon the hills and shook his head. 'That may not be, chela. From my bones outward I do desire it, but it is forbidden. I have seen the Cause of Things. 'Why?