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Updated: August 14, 2024

There is a manliness and honesty in the look of the Mandenga and the Susu never seen in the impudent 'recaptive. The dignity of El-Islam everywhere displays itself: it is the majesty of the monotheist, who ignores the degrading doctrine of original sin; it is the sublime indifference to life which kazá wa kadar, by us meagrely translated 'fatalism, confers upon the votaries of 'the Faith. These are not the remarks of a prejudiced sympathiser with El-Islam: many others have noted the palpable superiority of the Moslem over the missionary convert and the liberated populace of Leone.

I would do de same myself, suppose I were in dere place. 'He is only a liberated! is a favourite sneer at the new arrivals; so in the West Indies, by a curious irony of fate, 'Willyfoss nigger' is a term of abuse addressed to a Congo or Guinea 'recaptive. But here all the tribes are bitterly hostile to one another, and all combine against the white man.

Our forefathers never dreamt that the free institutions for which they fought and bled during long centuries would thus be prostituted, would be lavished upon every black 'recaptive, be he thief, wizard, or assassin, after living some fourteen days in a black corner of the British empire.

Finally, the Leonite is the horror of Europeans on the West Coast. He has been formally expelled by his neighbours, the Liberians. At Lagos and Abeokuta he lost no time in returning to his original fetishism, which the 'recaptive' apparently can never throw off.

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