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Of the why and wherefore I cannot say, but Saxony is a peculiarly overpopulated section of Germany, and the population is overdriven; and the German everywhere is a dreamy creature compared with us, of less toughness of fibre either morally or physically, and no doubt, here and there, under-exercising and over-thinking make the world seem to be a mad place and impossible to live in.

Then, I said, the three words would be spoken, not rudely blurted out, but spoken as they should be for the first time. The mention of Boller had brought back to my mind the haunting "three," to echo in every corridor of my brain, and before I fell asleep that night, exhausted by over-thinking, I lifted my hands into the blackness and whispered what had so long hung unuttered on my lips.

But the battle with wind and rain had so brought into play all the physical force of him, had so brightened eye and cheek, and tossed the black hair into such a fine confusion, that, as he sat there bending over the glow of the fire, the crippled man opposite, sickly with long confinement and over-thinking, could not take his eyes from him.

If she did not have a particularly high standard of happiness or of character, neither, in her opinion, had the rest of the world. Not that she thought much of these things. Over-thinking and over-longing had caused her much misery in early life, and she shrank from opening all those wounds again. She faced facts as little as she could.

Fire is white in its ultimate intensity. The top, spinning its fastest, is said to "sleep" and the dancing dervish is "still." So, misleading signs sometimes mark the danger-line. "Under-eating and over-thinking" was what the doctor said while he felt her translucent wrist and prescribed nails in her drinking-water.

"Mathematical innovations always seemed unreal at first " Uncle Justin began. "The math doesn't matter. It never did," Julia said flatly. "It was all part of the same thing." Justin's jaw opened and closed silently several times as he grasped a bench to keep himself vertical. "What the heck is she getting at?" Ritchie asked Betty. "I think you're over-thinking it, dear," Betty said to Julia.