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Their courage, where their hearts are concerned, is indeed proverbial: "Oh! femmes c'est a tort qu'on vous nommes timides, A la voix de vos coeurs vous etes intrepides." Experience has proved that women can be as enduring as men, under the heaviest trials and calamities; but too little pains are taken to teach them to endure petty terrors and frivolous vexations with fortitude.

As he walked one afternoon in the main street of that city, he was very rudely accosted by a couple of officers of the holy inquisition, whose looks and dress were as dark and diabolical as their employment. "Vous etes nommes Marion?" said they; that is "your name is Marion?" "Yes, gentlemen, that is my name."

She was the daughter of one of the leaders who, in 1793, defended Lyon against the forces of the convention. She escaped, with her father, both of them disguised as soldiers, and took refuge in the ranks of the 9th Dragoon regiment; where they assumed nommes de guerre and took part in campaigning. Mlle.

Ces fous nommes heros, et qui courent les champs, Couverts de sang et de poussiere, Voltaire, n'ont pas tous les ans La faceur de voir le derriere De leurs ennemis insolents. Can't expect that pleasure every year"!... Maupertuis, say you? "Don't trouble the ashes of the dead; let the grave at least put an end to your unjust hatreds.