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Advehimur celeri candentia moenia lapsu: Nominis est auctor sole corusca soror. Indigenis superat ridentia lilia saxis, Et levi radiat picta nitore silex. Dives marmoribus tellus, quae luce coloris Provocat intactas luxuriosa nives. You may see the place to-day but it is of plaster now as Pater describes it. Marius the Epicurian, vol. i. 20.

This saying of Claudian would be in place here with regard to some persons: Tolluntur in altum, Ut lapsu graviore ruant. To object, as people do here, that the goodness of God would be smaller than that of another benefactor who would give a more useful gift, is to overlook the fact that the goodness of a benefactor is not measured by a single benefit.

The catastrophe to which our hero had reduced this wretch was so wonderful an effort of greatness, that it probably made Fortune envious of her own darling; but whether it was from this envy, or only from that known inconstancy and weakness so often and judiciously remarked in that lady's temper, who frequently lifts men to the summit of human greatness, only ut lapsu graviore ruant;

Abstulit hunc tandem Rufini poena tumultum, Absolvitque Deos. Jam non ad culmina rerum Injustos crevisse queror; tolluntur in altum Ut lapsu graviore raent. The next day, Saturday the 23rd of May, 1812, at two o'clock in the afternoon, I got into my carriage, saying that I should return to dinner. I took no packet whatever with me; I had my fan in my hand, and my daughter hers; only my son and Mr.