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The morning passed and nothing was said; the fate of Madame des Ursins then became pretty evident. Chalais and Lanti made bold to ask the King for permission to go and join the Princess in her isolation.

"When she came here, she called herself Lanti, but for the last two months she has been Madame Palesi. She married a handsome young man with no property and no profession, but she is rich, so he takes his ease and does nothing." "Where does she live?" "At the end of this street. There's her house, sir; she lodges on the first floor."

The morning passed and nothing was said; the fate of Madame des Ursins then became pretty evident. Chalais and Lanti made bold to ask the King for permission to go and join the Princess in her isolation.

They said that he had told an Englishman, who was in love with Princess Lanti, that she was in want of two hundred sequins, that the Englishman had handed over the money to the abbe, and that the latter had appropriated it. This act of meanness had been brought to light by an explanation between the lady and the Englishman.

The morning passed and nothing was said; the fate of Madame des Ursins then became pretty evident. Chalais and Lanti made bold to ask the King for permission to go and join the Princess in her isolation.

But this first courier despatched, she sent off Lanti with letters written less hastily, and with instructions. Lanti saw the King in his cabinet on the last of January, and remained there some moments. From him it was known that as soon as Madame des Ursins despatched her first courier, she had sent her compliments to the Queen Dowager of Spain at Bayonne, who would not receive them.

This studied negligence was of bad augury, but who would have imagined treatment so strange and so unheard of? Her nephews, Lanti and Chalais, who had permission to join her, completed her dejection. Yet she was faithful to herself.

Why Aaron should have had this thought, he could not for the life of him say. Manfredi, her husband, rolled his blue eyes and grimaced as he laughed at old Lanti. But it was obvious that his attention was diverted sideways, towards his wife. Aaron, who was tired of nursing a tea-cup, placed in on a table and resumed his seat in silence.