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Updated: August 10, 2024

Guicciardini calls him on this occasion 'fatale instrumento e allora e prima e poi de' mali d' Italia. Lib. i. cap. 3. See Dennistoun, Dukes of Urbino, vol. i. p. 433, for a detailed list of Charles's armaments by land and sea. At Asti Charles was met by Lodovico Sforza and his father-in-law, Ercole d' Este. The whole of that Milanese Court which Corio describes followed in their train.

Is quodam instrumento argenteo consueuit ossa defricare, siue linire, vt ex iis exeat modicum olei, velut parumper sudoris, quod tamen non apparet in colore sui tanquam olei seu Balsami, sed aliquantulum pluris magnitudinis. Et ex isto traditur interdum aliquid petentibus peregrinis, sed parum, quia nec multum exudat.

The powers of Europe had outgrown the Papal discipline. Italian questions were being decided in the cabinets of Louis, Maximilian, and Ferdinand. Instead of controlling the arbiters of Italy, a Pope could only play off one against another. 'Fatale instrumento e allora e prima e poi de' mali d'Italia, says Guicciardini, Storia d'Italia, vol. i. p. 84.

El carácter del criado y las situaciones todas en que se encuentra son excelentes y pertenecen a la buena comedia: del padre pudiéramos decir lo que dice la marquesa de su marido; ni es feo, ni es bonito: es un hombre pasivo, es un instrumento no más del astuto don Eduardo. Éste es un bello carácter: la carta que escribe es del mayor efecto y pertenece a la alta comedia.

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