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Fancy a two-story house some two hundred feet in length, built of plank, and painted to the whiteness of snow; fancy along the upper story a row of green-latticed windows, or rather doors, thickly set, and opening out upon a narrow balcony; fancy a flattish or slightly rounded roof covered with tarred canvas, and in the centre a range of sky-lights like glass forcing-pits; fancy, towering above all, two enormous black cylinders of sheet-iron, each ten feet in diameter, and nearly ten times as high, the "funnels" of the boat; a smaller cylinder to one side, the "'scape-pipe;" a tall flag-staff standing up from the extreme end of the bow, with the "star-spangled banner" flying from its peak; fancy all these, and you may form some idea of the characteristic features of a steamboat on the Mississippi.

Tell her I wish to see this new creation of hers, and enjoy it with her." The gardener went rapidly off, and Edward soon followed. Descending the terrace, and stopping as he passed to look into the hot-houses and the forcing-pits, he came presently to the stream, and thence, over a narrow bridge, to a place where the walk leading to the summer-house branched off in two directions.

"There was formerly a quantity of old pits 'longside the rick-bargan same as you see forcing-pits at a market-gardener's and the tale goes that they were orig'nally placed there for the purpose of growing grapes on the same principle as cucumbers or melons." "What a funny idea!" "'Twas a failure.