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For mysel' I dinna preten' to ony opingon; but sae lang as the needcessity was the same, I wad be laith to think Providence wadna be consistent wi' itsel'. Ye maun min' the tale, better nor I can tell't ye, concernin' yon meal-girnel muckle sic like, I daursay, as oor ain, though it be ca'd a barrel i' the Buik hit 'at never wastit, ye ken, an'the uily-pig an' a' ye'll min' weel though what ony wuman in her senses cud want wi' sic a sicht o' ile's mair nor I ever cud faddom!

Falconer, the first greetings over, 'ane 's ta'en an' anither 's left! but what for 's mair nor I can faddom. There's that fine young man, Maister Ericson, at deith's door; an' here am I, an auld runklet wife, left to cry upo' deith, an' he winna hear me. 'Cry upo' God, grannie, an' no upo' deith, said Robert, catching at the word as his grandmother herself might have done.

"I am sorry to suggest mortality, but I was trying to let my imagination play a little on the eternal novelty of travel, and you have dropped me down 'full faddom five." "I'm sorry, but I have only revealed an honest tendency of character. Piracy is probably a more profitable line of business than discovery.

It maitered little sae lang as they war lasses as hertless and toom-heidit as himsel, and ower weel used to sic havers; but a lassie like you, 'at never afore hearkent to siclike, she taks them a' for trowth, and the leein sough o' him gars her trow there was never on earth sic a won'erfu cratur as her! What pleesur there can be i' leein 's mair nor I can faddom!