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And yet it is touching to have before me, as I now have in a copy of the Sixth Edition of the Dippers Dipt , not only an elaborate portrait of Featley by the engraver Marshall, done in the ordinary way, but also an engraving representing the old man most painfully as he looked when lying in his winding-sheet before they put him into his coffin.

The belfry clangs with a louder peal; even Clarian's Picture, though it hath utterly perished to the eye of sense, lives vivid in a thousand memories, and, having found in the tenderness of tradition and legend an engraver whose burin is as faithful as Raphael Morghen's, has left the damp dark wall, like Leonardo's Cenacolo, to accompany all of us to our firesides."

Thornhill made but one picture of the illustrious robber, but Cruikshank has made dozens, and the art of the engraver has multiplied them into thousands and tens of thousands, until the populace of England have become as familiar with Jack's features as they are with their own.

In the correspondence with the office at Sydney, which amounted annually to about 2000 letters, none remained unanswered; and my last cares were to leave, in the hands of an engraver, a map of the colony, that the past labours of the department might be permanently secured to the public, whatever might be our fate in the interior.

"Thanks, M. Bertuccio," said the count, springing lightly up the three steps of the portico; "and the notary?" "He is in the small salon, excellency," returned Bertuccio. "And the cards I ordered to be engraved as soon as you knew the number of the house?" "Your excellency, it is done already. I have been myself to the best engraver of the Palais Royal, who did the plate in my presence.

And no wonder, for they were marvellously accomplished; being each of them painter, sculptor, architect, poet, critic and engraver, all in one; and all this without ever having learnt...."

Douglass's to the marble factory, where he ordered a costly stone for the little grave on the sunny slope, as yet unmarked save by the tall grass and rank weeds which grew above it. "What inscription will you have?" asked the engraver.

Shall I give them to you?" jested Natasha. "Have a good look at them, examine them, learn her handwriting, so that you can imitate every letter. That kind of thing is just in your line; you are a first-class copyist, so this is just the job for you." The engraver listened, and only shrugged his shoulders.

A piece of work, as minute and fine as that of an engraver upon stone, is slowly executed on my person; and their lean hands harrow and worry me with automatic precision. Finally it is finished, and the tattooers, falling back with an air of satisfaction to contemplate their work, declare it to be lovely. I dress myself quickly to go on shore, to take advantage of my last hours in Japan.

"But, my good sir," said the courtier, "what would become of his Excellency if he undertook to receive everybody who passed through the town? Only think!" "I am not everybody!" said the engraver, and stared at the table before him as if he were looking upon the most moving sights.