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"'A 'm astonished at ye, said Jamie, for the Netheraird man let it out; 'yon wes a sermon for young fouk, juist milk, ye ken, tae the ordinar' discoorses. Surely, as if the thought had just struck him, 'ye werena thinkin' o' callin' Maister Cunningham tae Muirtown. "'Edinboorgh, noo; that micht dae gin the feck o' the members be professors, but Muirtown wud be clean havers.

He was brimful of "Scotch" theology; but, strange to say, he refrained from bringing that fact prominently before his flock, insomuch that some of the wiser among them held the opinion, that, although he was an excellent, worthy young man, he was, if any thing, a little commonplace in fact, "he never seemed to have any diffeeculties in his discoorses: an' if he had, he aye got ower them by sayin' plump oot that they were mysteries he did na pretend to unravel!"

"Me and Alec Angus Jamie Macfarlane," said the undisturbed Tam, "listenin' wi' eager ears to the discoorses of Professor Ferguson who took the Chair in Rivets at the Govan Iron Works Seminary, drinkin' out of the same mug " "Tam, you're lying," said Blackie; "what is really worrying you and who's your friend?" Tam heaved a sigh.

His methods were certainly such as would be considered unnecessarily severe in these days; still, there is no doubt he managed by them to keep his people well in hand. "I canna' mind muckle aboot Mr. McGillivray's discoorses," she answered, when I questioned her on that subject. "I wes but a bit lassie, an' I couldna' onderstand weel. He seemed to me to stan' an' drone awa' mostly.