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I HAVE gone ten foot, in a circ'lar di-rection, but that was for a wager. 'I hope you won it, sir, said Mark. 'Well, sir, I realised the stakes, said Chollop. 'Yes, sir. He was silent for a time, during which he was actively engaged in the formation of a magic circle round the chest on which he sat. When it was completed, he began to talk again.

We did so; nor were we disappointed, for at last after a pleasant journey and what journey would not be pleasant after the hardships we had endured among the peaks of the Mountains of the Clouds we came upon a broad flood that rushed majestically onward in the di-rection of the great sea we had seen from the snowy slopes of the mountains.

'Mine was a more selfish motive, said Martin, looking out again. 'I was afraid you were going to 'I can calc'late my distance, sir, returned Mr Chollop, 'to an inch. With a proof of which happy faculty he immediately favoured him. 'I re-quire, sir, said Hannibal, 'two foot clear in a circ'lar di-rection, and can engage my-self toe keep within it.

'With th' kind permission iv th' hated polis undher th' di-rection iv me good frind an' fellow-journalist, Loot Franswoo Coppere, an' th' ar-rmy, f'r whose honor ivry Fr-renchman 'll lay down his life, th' siege will now begin.

Later there appears to have been built the long line of tombs, placed askew, in order not to interfere with those which have been mentioned, and then this skew line gave the di-rection to the next tomb, that of Merneit, and later on to that of Azab.