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A Cacique of a Prouince called Coste, came to this towne to visit the Gouernour. Chap. XVI. How the Gouernour departed from Chiaha, and at Coste was in danger to haue been slaine by the hands of the Indians, and by a stratageme escaped the same: And what more happened vnto him in this iourney, and how he came to Coça.

The Murgab and Istakr ruins were carefully examined by MM. Coste and Flandin; while General Williams and Mr. Loftus diligently explored, and completely made out, the plan of the Susian edifice. The ruins at Murgab, which are probably the most ancient in Persia, comprise, besides the well-known "Tomb of Cyrus," two principal buildings.

During May, my mother was made very happy by the release of her eldest brother from the Temple prison, and the return to France of the other two, de l'Isle and de la Coste, who, having been struck off the list of émigrés came to Paris. The eldest of my mother's brothers, M. de Canrobert was a very pleasant, sensible man.

The worthy old gentleman seeing the rage I was in apologized to me for what he had said, and told me that a certain Abbe de la Coste had informed him that I did so. At this I was highly indignant, and I told him what had happened that morning, which let M. du Vernai know what kind of a man the abbe was.

MEMOIRS OF JACQUES CASANOVA de SEINGALT 1725-1798 Count Tiretta of Trevisa Abbe Coste Lambertini, the Pope's Niece Her Nick Name for Tiretta The Aunt and Niece Our Talk by the Fireside Punishment of Damien Tiretta's Mistake Anger of Madame * Their Reconciliation My Happiness with Mdlle. de la Meure Silvia's Daughter Mdlle. de la Meure Marries My Despair and Jealousy A Change far the Better

When the Gouernour was determined to depart from Chiaha to Coste, he sent for the Cacique to come before him, and with gentle words tooke his leaue of him, and gaue him certaine things, wherewith he rested much contented: In seuen daies he came to Coste.