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"And Brandt, if there are degrees of unbirth, is even more furiously unborn than Brandi." "Unborn ?" said Annunziata, frowning. "Not noble not of the aristocracy," John explained. "Very few people are noble," said Annunziata. "All the more reason, then, why you and I should be thankful that we are," said he. "You and I?" she expostulated, with a shrug of her little grey shoulders. "Machè!

"To know whether she is born," said Lady Blanchemain. "Among Austrians, unless you're born, you're impossible, you're nowhere. Brandi doesn't sound born, does it? We mustn't let you become enamoured of her if she isn't born." "Brandi sounds tremendously unborn," assented John. "And if like visits like, Signora Brandi's visitor will probably be unborn too.

"She has been in her own country in Austria. But the other day she returned. And with her came a person to visit her. That is the person whose form you have seen in the garden." "How do you know it wasn't the form of the Signora Brandi herself?" John said. "Oh, no," said Annunziata. "The Signora Brandi is not young. She is old. She is as old as " "Methuselah? Sin?

"Thou need'st but say that thou dost know that serpent-eye has had a lover before, or they wouldn't be in such a hurry to get her off their hands with a dowry. Thou must know that the homestead westwards in the Blue Mountains is mine. And answer the old man that it was me, Brandi, that thou didst run after all the time. Hist! hist! here comes the old man," she whispered, and whisked away.