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Such are the species of Apathus, which so closely resembles the Humble bee itself, that it requires long study to distinguish it readily. Its habits are not known, other than that it is found in the nests of its host. It differs from the Humble bee in having no pollen-basket, showing that its larvæ must feed on the food stored up by their host, as it does not itself collect it.

The habits of their peculiar parasite, Apathus, an insect which closely resembles the Humble bee, are still unknown. F. W. Putnam's estimate, at least one thousand pieces! The bees referred to "worked so diligently that they ruined five or six rose-bushes, not leaving a single unblighted leaf uncut, and were then forced to take the leaves of a locust tree as a substitute."

The cuckoo bees of the genus Nomada are parasitic on the Andrenidæ, and they resemble either wasps or species of Andrena; and the parasitic humble-bees of the genus Apathus almost exactly resemble the species of humble-bees in whose nests they are reared. Mr.

Ants, large size of the cerebral ganglia in; soldier, large jaws of; playing together; memory in; intercommunication of, by means of the antennae; habits of; difference of the sexes in; recognition of each other by, after separation. Ants White, habits of. Anura. Apatania muliebris, male unknown. Apathus, difference of the sexes in. Apatura Iris.

F. Smith, that the male ants of several species are black, the females being testaceous. In the family of Bees, especially in the solitary species, as I hear from the same entomologist, the sexes often differ in colour. The males are generally the brighter, and in Bombus as well as in Apathus, much more variable in colour than the females.