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To hold Baton Rouge about 3,000 men were detached, under Chickering, including the 41st Massachusetts, 173d New York, 175th New York, 1st Indiana heavy artillery, 3d Louisiana native guards, Mack's battery, and Troop F of the Rhode Island cavalry.

Ursula and the abbe went upstairs, and the good man hunted up a little edition in 12mo, printed in Paris in 1666, of the "History of Henri de Montmorency," written by a priest of that period who had known the prince. "Read it," said the abbe, giving Ursula the volume, which he had opened at the 175th page. "Your godfather often re-read that passage, and see! here's a little of his snuff in it."

Ask the Pearl and she will show you how much she knows of the news of the City and the Province. Lalun knows everything." "Lalun," I said at random she was talking to a gentleman of the Kurd persuasion who had come in from God-knows-where "when does the 175th Regiment go to Agra?" "It does not go at all," said Lalun, without turning her head. "They have ordered the 118th to go in its stead.

And today, having witnessed in recent months a heightened respect for our national purpose and power having seen the courageous calm of a united people in a perilous hour and having observed a steady improvement in the opportunities and well-being of our citizens I can report to you that the state of this old but youthful Union, in the 175th year of its life, is good.