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And Ynar said: "All knowledge is with the King, and without doubt it hath come to the King's ears how certain speech is held at evening on the Peak of Amanath.

And the King shouted: "Seize ye this prophet for he is a hypocrite and speaks to no gods at evening above the world, but has deceived us with his signs." And Ynar said: "Come not near me or I shall point towards you when I speak at evening upon the mountain with Those that ye know of." Then Ynar went away and the guards touched him not.

The dancers and the winebearers were summoned back, and as the night wore on a banquet was spread and all the prophets bidden to be seated, Samahn, Ynath, Monith, Ynar Thun, the prophet of Journeys, Zornadhu, Yamen, Paharn, Ilana, Ulf, and one that had not spoken nor yet revealed his name, and who wore his prophet's cloak across his face.

Then spake Ynar, called the prophet of the Crystal Peak; for there rises Amanath above all that land, a mountain whose peak is crystal, and Ynar beneath its summit hath his Temple, and when day shines no longer on the world Amanath takes the sunlight and gleams afar as a beacon in a bleak land lit at night.

And at the hour when all faces are turned on Amanath, Ynar comes forth beneath the Crystal peak to weave strange spells and to make signs that people say are surely for the gods. Therefore it is said in all those lands that Ynar speaks at evening to the gods when all the world is still.

Until a knowledge come to us that either is wrong I have wider realms, I King, than thee and hold them beneath no overlords." Then said the King: "Thou hast said no overlords! To whom then dost thou speak by strange signs at evening above the world?" And Ynar went forward and whispered to the King.

And Ynar said: "A mad prophet, but believing that his soul possesseth all things of which his soul may become aware and that he is master of that soul, and thou a high-minded King believing only that thy soul possesseth such few countries as are leaguered by thine armies and the sea, and that thy soul is possessed by certain strange gods of whom thou knowest not, who shall deal with it in a way whereof thou knowest not.