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But they boast of being on nodding terms with that arch-bounder Lord Saltash, and so everything is forgiven them." Juliet suddenly stood up very straight. "I think I ought to tell you," she said, "that I know Lord Saltash. I have lived with the Farringmore family, as you know. He is a friend of Lord Wilchester's." The squire turned sharply.

There's talk of sending a deputation to Lord Wilchester or failing him Ivor Yardley, the K.C. chap who is in with him in this show." "Yardley!" Dick uttered the name sharply. "Yes, ever met him? He took over a directorship when he got engaged to Lord Wilchester's sister Lady Joanna Farringmore. They're rather pinning their hopes on him, it seems. Do you know him at all?"

I know you all hate the Farringmores, and I daresay you have reason. You have never spoken to any of them face to face, before, because they haven't cared enough to come near you. But you can do so to-night if you wish. Men, I am Lord Wilchester's sister. I was Joanna Farringmore."

"But not beyond redemption," said Green quickly, "if anyone takes the trouble." She shrugged her shoulders. "There are not many people who have time to waste over them. In any case, the responsibility lies at Lord Wilchester's door not ours." "And as Lord Wilchester happens to be a rotter, they must go to the wall," remarked Green. "Well, it is no business of ours," maintained Mrs. Fielding.

"I'm afraid I don't agree with you there," Juliet said, flushing a little. "He might at least hear what they have to say. But they can't get hold of him. He is abroad." "But Yardley is left," said the squire. "I suppose he has power to act." "Perhaps," she said, the moment's animation passing. "But it is Wilchester's business not his. He shirks his duty."